If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have been going through a lot of old pictures to scan them into digital format. It’s been fun to take a peek at my first major travel adventures, so I wanted to share a bit more about them with you. First up is the trip that I loved the most — Scotland!
Scotland — September 2000

I was a fashion design major at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City when I did a semester abroad in England. I traveled with 6 other FIT students to study knitwear at Nottingham Trent University in Nottingham, England.
To be honest, while I was there I didn’t do much school work, but it was probably one of the best things I did in college. (Thanks, Mom, for seeing the benefit of these trips and, of course, letting me use the credit card!)
I think everyone should do a semester abroad if they can. While I was there, I was able to do a fair bit of traveling around Europe on school breaks and over weekends. Of all the trips I took, my 4-day jaunt to Scotland stands out in my mind as my favorite and the one that really lit a fire in me to see more of the world.
This trip was a big deal for me. You see, I wasn’t much of a nature girl back then. I actually had to go buy a pair of sneakers for this trip because I only had footwear with heels (hey, I went to fashion school, what did you expect?!) Packing for Scotland was a big growth moment for me — ha!
We flew to Edinburgh to explore for a day and then did a 3-day tour of the Scottish Highlands with Haggis Adventures. To say I LOVED this trip would be an understatement!
I love Edinburg.
One of my favorite things in the city was Edinburgh Castle. The castle is located at the start of the Edinburg Royal Mile, which is a charming section of Old Town.
This trip was also the first (and last) time I stayed at a hostel. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea but the 2 other girls I was traveling with were into the hostel idea so I went with it. Never. Again.

The Scottish Highlands
For me, this is where this trip became magical. We got on a small bus with a bunch of other college kids and drove up through the Highlands to the Isle of Skye. I remember our Haggis Adventures bus driver/tour guide, and she was incredible! She had a thick Scottish accent and told stories and sang crazy songs while she drove us around.
From a small memory and a quick internet search I found the song she sang the most – “Donald Where’s Your Troosers?” The internet is amazing!
I even climbed a mountain! Ok, so it wasn’t a big mountain but, remember, I wasn’t much of a nature girl back then so this was a BIG DEAL.
We also got to see popular attractions like the Eilean Donan Castle and (my favorite) Loch Ness! Unfortunately, Nessie didn’t make an appearance when we were there.

Scotland was the trip that sparked my wanderlust, and because of that, it holds a special place in my heart.